Equality over Quality?


In today's race for talent, your image is key. The perception of a company in the market is often led by those representing it; staff, HR, internal talent teams and workplace – read my previous blog on Smart Buildings. Recently, more often than not, people are looking to a company’s diversity and inclusion programs to make an informed decision on the reputability of said organisation. 

Now I won't be the first or last to say there is a notable shortage of talent within the property market, companies are heavily investing in staff retention and brand image. People are naturally looking to the board for guidance, but unfortunately in our market, these are predominantly male-dominated. Will this change anytime soon?


For those companies who have recently published their Gender-Pay-Gap reports and how they wish to fix this, I salute you. Staring a problem this big in the face in today’s age shows great maturity and belief in your systems moving forward. But, will this lead to people being hired to tick a box? Or to meet a diversity target. I personally hope not. The whole idea around diversity and inclusion is to level the playing field, as businesses we should be looking for the best person for the role and for the company - irrelevant of their gender. 

We also can’t expect this to be a quick fix! The overarching goal should be achieving a level playing field, not favouring one over the other. Many are concerned that this push to place more women in high-ranking positions, could leave some qualified candidates left by the way-side. Poaching other firms senior female leaders will only cause a bigger issue for another firm. There is NO QUICK FIX. Stats however, are looking bright for the future, companies are releasing data showing that over 50% of graduates on their schemes are females. Nurturing and ensuring a diverse graduate pool is definitely a long-term beneficial and robust way of growing an equal board for the future. 


How can the Talent & Diversity champions of some of the biggest Property firms get together and implement the changes now?

As a business, we need to ensure that the best people are in the roles they deserve on merit alone. As consultants, we are seeing more and more clients asking for CV’s to be sent without names attached, or removing any information that eludes to gender, race or religion. Clients are asking for an equal split between men and females, however, the stats simply don’t allow that to be a true representation of the market.

I am a true believer of equality and I am excited to see what the new wave of talent will bring in the next 10+ years. As a market, we need to be changing the face of property, with a more diverse talent pool available to recruiters we should start to see the results of these implemented efforts..


If you’re a Talent, Diversity and Inclusion specialist within your company please reach out. As a company, we are getting involved in more and more STEM work with our clients to help tackle this problem. We’d be more than happy to advise you on how to achieve your goal market image and allow you to step away from the stats and just look at what talent is available.

*No longer works for the company*

I joined Mattinson Partnership in December 2017. Prior to that, I worked for a Property Specialist Recruitment firm, primarily focussing on Property Management. My background and education revolving around coaching gives me a unique consultative style of recruitment. Outside of work I can be found in 3 places; the rugby pitch, the gym or anywhere that sells good food!



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London Wildlife Trust.

We are proud partners of The London Wildlife Trust, a charity dedicated to protecting the wildlife and wild spaces of London by driving environmental projects throughout the city. Our team often get involved at ground level in Wild Workdays by helping to maintain and restore treasured spaces and land… we love to get our hands dirty! We also run multiple interactive workshops, providing their conservation trainees with invaluable career advice and insights into the environmental sector to prepare them for employment. Most recently, we worked with young people taking part in their Keeping it Wild programme, which engages young people from backgrounds currently under-represented in nature conservation.

Royal Town Planning Institute.

The RTPI represents planning professionals in the UK and Ireland and aims to encourage the development of vibrant and prosperous places and communities. Our Senior Consultant Freddie enthusiastically attends the annual Planning Convention, and we host several events throughout the year to show our support, including drinks networking and a literal pub quiz. We also keep in close contact with our friends down under, at the Planning Institute Australia and New Zealand Planning Institute. In addition, we sponsor the London Planning Summit, an event designed to address the biggest challenges facing the industry. This is our opportunity to stay on top of the latest changes in town planning by meeting with other key professionals in the sector, while celebrating our achievements.

Land Securities Group Plc.

One of our clients, LandSec, are the clever people behind Girls Can Do It Too, an initiative designed to encourage girls to consider a career in construction. Currently, only 11% of the construction workforce are female, and LandSec are attempting to increase this number by providing education and engagement projects and workshops for girls aged 11-13. Featuring workshops on demolition and tower building, as well as challenging the girls to design a planning project of their own (with a focus on budgeting and environmental considerations), LandSec have proven their dedication to addressing the need for diversity in this very male dominated industry. Ruth assists the project by sharing her fascinating insights into the industry and is even on the project judging panel!

Urban Land Institute.

In partnership with Urban Land Institute we are able to play an imperative role in creating a larger and more diverse pool of candidates within the planning & property professions. Working in schools we take part in the Urban Plan Educational workshops programme, which has now reached more than 2,500 pupils in 100 schools since its launch. Alongside more than 200 industry volunteers engaged across the country, we provide invaluable industry & careers advice to students while guiding them through their workshops and helping judge their presentations.

Carbon Footprint.

Carbon FootprintTM works to help organisations offset their CO2 through tree planting and community projects worldwide. By partnering with Carbon FootprintTM, we have planted native trees and shrubs such as Whitebeam, Hazel, Field Maple, Silver Birch, Rowan, Beech, Blackthorn, Holly and Dog Rose to create a Mattinson Forest that spreads across South East England. Carbon FootprintTM work in conjunction with the Florestal Santa Maria Project (FSM-Redd Project), designed to reduce deforestation in the Amazonian Rainforest. So, for every tree we plant in the UK we guarantee a tonne of CO₂ offset in Brazil too. Carbon FootprintTM have allowed us to not only do our bit for the environment but also commemorate moments of growth for our clients and candidates.